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Reload - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme

Visual Composer cannot be auto updated (since version 4.9) This is a VC's bug. Basically, since we handle these updates you should not see this message. We have already informed the VC's team about this and they will provide a fix in the next release. Then you will need to remove and ...

How to change default Form Title: Drop us a line... ? Changing Default Form Title: Drop us a line... Option 1: From Theme .po .mo Files - Change text from Reload Theme .po .mo files ( Path: reloadlanguages ) Option 2: From Child Theme .po .mo Files - Upload and Activa ...

How to enable VC's Grid Elements Visual Composer's Grid Elements are by default disabled. Each one of our themes provide their own handcrafted grid elements.If in any case you need to re-enable the default Grid Elements of Visual composer, you need to add a ...

How to update Reload and its required plugins? How to use the Reload Theme auto UpdateThis is for sure the easiest and fastest way to update Reload. The only thing you have to do is to activate the theme update and enter your Themeforest username and an API key (from Enva ...

How to use a child theme? Firstly, if you need small css changes you can use the CSS Options (to place your code) in Theme Options. For more advanced customization it’s better to use a Child Theme ( A sample Child Theme is provided in the ...

How to add custom Analytics Code Theme offers Google Analytics Tracking Code ( Classic/Universal ), by providing only the Tracking ID. Adding a custom analytics code instead of Google Tracking code is possible via Child Theme. Function grve_print_tracking_c ...

How to add custom fonts via Child Theme? Under Theme Options - Typography you can select a variety of Standard and Google Fonts. In some cases you might need to use a Custom Font, we have implemented a solution to add your Custom Fonts and be able to select them in ...

How to translate Reload's strings by using .po files ? Option 1: From Theme .po .mo Files by using a program like Poedit and named them like en_Us.po (in your language). - Change text from Reload Theme .po .mo files ( Path: reloadlanguages ) Option 2: From Child Theme .po .mo ...

I've noticed that the .svg header images are not showing. I've double checked and the images are there. How do i fix this? This is probably a problem with your server and .svg icons. Paste the following lines in your .htaccess file :AddType image/svg+xml svg svgz AddEncoding gzip svgz AddType text/x-component .htcWe hope this is helpful for you ...

When required plugins (Visual Composer and/or Greatives Visual Composer Extension) need to be updated what steps should you follow? First of all, when any or both of these plugins need to be updated you will get an info message immediately after the installation of the new version of Reload.Just follow the steps below:Deactivate ReloadGo Plugins, find an ...

How to update the Revolution Slider when it is packaged with your theme? Please read carefully the instructions from the ThemePunch team on how you can update the Rev Slider if it is included with a theme you purchased.Read this article -

Recommended Server Settings - Memory issues There are hundreds of thousands of web hosts out there, not all of them are fit for a WordPress installation. There are a few (well-known) low budget host providers that you can experience multiple issues when you use a prem ...

How to overwrite Standard Form with a Contact Form 7 Form ( Via hook in Reload Child Theme )? If you want to keep the use of the icon with Contact Form 7, you can overwrite it via a filter function from e.g: Reload Child Theme. You can add the following function to your Child Theme functions.php file. function grve_c ...

Adding Custom JS Code via Child Theme Sometimes a script is too complicated and needs additional php conditions or other custom code. In case you want to use your own custom javascript code without the use of the integrated javascript editor from Theme Options ...

WP & Theme updates – Important! When a major WP release arises it is crucial not to update WP version unless you are 100% sure that our Theme is compatible at that particular time. Proper order of update is Theme first, WP later. It is very importan ...

How to create 5-Columns layout via the Page Builder WPBakery Page Builder does not support 1/5 column currently. They might implement it in next releases though. When they do that we'll also adapt our code to be compatible with the Builder.An easy trick to simulate 5 colum ...

Fonts not displayed correctly If you serve fonts files from different domains, fonts might not displayed correctly due to Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS). More info about CORS here: Chrom ...

How to translate your logo with WPML You can easily translate your logo via the String translation if you use the following procedure: Go to WPML > String Translations > Translate texts in admin screens. You will find this option in the lower left of your scree ...

Add your own API key for the Google Maps In some case it is needed a different API key for the Google maps.  So please: 1. Generate an API key from here  2.� ...