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How to translate Reload's strings by using .po files ?

Option 1: From Theme .po .mo Files by using a program like Poedit and named them like en_Us.po (in your language).
- Change text from Reload Theme .po .mo files ( Path: \reload\languages )

Option 2: From Child Theme .po .mo Files (with the same way like Option 1)
- Upload and Activate Reload Child Theme
- Change text from Child Theme .po .mo files ( Path: \reload-child\languages )

With Option 1 you will have to update again the .po, .mo files in case you update the Theme to a newer version.
With Option 2 you will not lose your changes even if you upload an updated Theme.

Note: Finally, you need to go to Settings > General and at the bottom of this page select your preferred language. See the screenshot below.