Single Event is not visible with Events Calendar 3.11.x
From Events Calendar v3.11 a function used was removed from the Events Calendar code.
This affects Single Event views.
Fix is already included in Osmosis 2.4 ( released 03 August 2015).
Quick Fix for older versions of Osmosis
If you need a quick fix before this release you just need to modify a single file.
You can easily modify it from:
- Appearance - Editor ( single-event.php )
- FTP ( Under your osmosis directory: \tribe-events\single-event.php )
You just need to replace line 39:
<?php echo tribe_events_single_event_meta(); ?>
<?php tribe_get_template_part( 'modules/meta' ); ?>
Note: In case you are already modified this template file in your Child Theme, make the same change to the exact file in your Child Theme.