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How to update Reload and its required plugins?

How to use the Reload Theme auto Update

This is for sure the easiest and fastest way to update Reload. The only thing you have to do is to activate the theme update and enter your Themeforest username and an API key (from Envato).

Follow the steps below in order to use the auto update:

  1. Go Theme Options--> Theme Update
  2. Enable Theme Update
  3. Insert your Themeforest username and an API key from your Envato account
  4. Save changes and you're ready.

When there is a new update of Reload you will be informed (message at top) in Appearance-->Themes screen and in Theme Options screen. Then you will be able to update Reload with just one-click. Don't forget to update the required plugins in case that you are prompted (read the last 5 steps in this page).

How to update Reload (old-school method)

This is the old-school method for the updates of Reload.
Follow the steps below:

  1. Deactivate Reload - (activate one of the WP themes like Fourteen)
  2. Delete Reload
  3. Upload and install the new version of Reload, then activate it.

If you won't get an info message prompting you to update one or both of the required plugins of Reload (Visual Composer and Greatives Visual Composer Extension) you're ready.

In case you prompt to update any or both of the required plugins (Visual Composer and/or Greatives Visual Composer Extension)

  1. Deactivate Reload
  2. Go Plugins, find and delete the plugins that need to be updated (Visual Composer and/or Greatives Visual Composer Extension)
  3. Activate Reload again
  4. You will notice a new info message prompting to install these plugins. Click Begin Installing Plugins so to install it/them.
  5. You're ready to go!

The overall process will take about 2 minutes. In case that you have a live site and you don't want visitors to see another theme(like Fourteen) while you 're updating Reload, use one of the maintenance plugins like Ultimate Coming Soon Page.